Did you know that Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Joe Montana, Nolan Ryan, Muhammad Ali and Carl Lewis all have something incommon?
Besides being incredible athletes, they all receive regular chiropractic care! They, along with numerous other professional and Olympic athletes, attribute part of their success to chiropractic. You do not need to be a professional athlete to benefit from chiropractic. Anyone involved in physical activi-ties should receive regular chiropractic care in order to prevent injuries, facilitate healing and reduce wear and tear on the body. Injuries like sprains, strains,pulled muscles, tendonitis, bursitis and joint problems in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, and foot respond wonderfully to chiropractic care.
You do not need to be a professional athlete to benefit from chiropractic. Anyone involved in physical activi-ties should receive regular chiropractic care in order to prevent injuries, facilitate healing and reduce wear and tear on the body. Injuries like sprains, strains,pulled muscles, tendonitis, bursitis and joint problems in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, and foot respond wonderfully to chiropractic care.
Chiropractors view a person as an integrated being, focusing on the nervous system, the spine, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Chiropractors ap-proach the body holistically, and help athletes obtain peak performance by making sure that all of the body’s systems and mechanics are functioning at their best, minimizing the chance of injury and facilitating efficient recuperation from any existing injuries.
Chiropractors look at the body in precise detail and through your examination you can discover areas of inefficiency that will limit your athletic capacity. This may be a result of decreased flexibility, muscle imbalances or muscle and joint instability or weakness. By determining these area and correcting them through chiropractic care you will see increases in strength, speed and performance.
Injury often is due to over use and wear and tear on a muscle or joint, and finally it just gives out. Sometimes the injuries can lead to surgery or permanent disability. Chiropractors find the areas of increased stress and help correct it before it becomes an injury.
Anyone who is active knows that sometimes no matter how proactive you are to prevent injuries, they still happen. When they do if you see a chiropractor after an injury, chiropractic care creates an optimal environment for healing and allowing you to heal faster than if you were not to receive chiropractic.
The key to prevention of re-injury is to get to the root cause of the injury. Determine if it was a restrictive joint that put the body at risk, a muscle weakness, a muscle imbalance or joint instability.
When there is a restricted motion in a spinal joint in the body that is cause for interference in proper body function and mechanics. Chiropractors put you through a thorough and detailed examination to pinpoint where these areas of stress are occurring in the body and then determine the best technique to remove any restrictions and tension, allowing the body to return to a healthier state.
This is a hands on technique involves a low amplitude thrust to adjust the spine and correct any joint dysfunction or sublaxa-tion when one or more vertebrae are out of spinal alignment. Doctor can also use the Chiropractic divice called activator to focus on small joints if they are not in the best position or range of motion.
With 13 years of experience, as the first clinic to use Chiropractic therapy, iCCARE has successfully treated thousands of cases. At the same time, we focus on sharing knowledge, improving understanding and awareness of the importance of the spine and general health. Help establish a new lifestyle for Vietnamese people with professional spine care using the Chiropractic method to maintain optimal overall health.